3 Paintings with Intriguing Figures

These three new paintings further explore an atmospheric decorative theme and each feature one or two enigmatic figures… It’s dawn in the avenue of pine trees. The rose-coloured mist floods across the land announcing the warm day ahead. A solitary figure...

3 Decorative Paintings

Dear Art Friend, Today I’d like to show you three recently completed paintings. The first two explore the richness of patterns in nature and how we perceive them. I came across this quote that seems apt: “What I am really saying is that you don’t...

As Far as the Eye Can See VI

As Far as the Eye Can See VI ©John O’Grady (click on the painting to see it enlarged) 20″ x 47.5″ x 1.75″ Oil on deep edge canvas, ready to hang I’ve been working on this large piece for a while, with many faltering steps until things started to fall into place...

The Field of Fallen Stars

(Click on the image to enlarge it) The Field of Fallen Stars, ©John O’Grady 12” x 12” x 1.5” acrylic on canvas, ready to hang SOLD Dreams often have their place in reality. They flit between one event or emotion and meld into another to create its own mindscape. This...