by John | 10 Apr 2016 | Sky
Evening, Sally Gap ©John O’Grady 8″ x 8″ X 0.75″ oil on canvas, ready to hang. Not For Sale (NFS) This piece is a smaller sibling to the previous post but half an hour later so the light is only catching the top of the cloud. I was working on both paintings in tandem...
by John | 10 Dec 2015 | Landscape Paintings - Ireland
You are Everything II, ©John O’Grady 16″ x 16″ X 1.75″ oil on deep edged canvas, ready to hang. SOLD In the first You are Everything, I mentioned the grasses that stretch off into the distance of the solitary bog. Those thoughts were present again as I was...
by John | 11 Oct 2015 | Landscape Paintings - Ireland
As Far as the Eye Can See III, ©John O’Grady 12″ x 16″ Oil on panel, requires framing Not For Sale The raking light of the evening sun has sent a warm glow across the bog and illuminates the grasses with flecks of light. The wide sweep of the land is laid...
by John | 20 Nov 2014 | Landscape Paintings - Ireland
Evening in the West II, ©John O’Grady 2014 Oil on deep edged panel 24.4 cm x 18 cm x 3.7 cm deep (approx 9.5″ x 7″ x 1.5″, no need to frame and ready to hang) Not for Sale (NFS) This painting is a continuation on the theme of ‘Mountains’. The composition...
by John | 8 Sep 2014 | Landscape Paintings - Ireland
The Glowing Bog, ©John O’Grady 2014 Oil on deep edged beech panel, 15 cm x 15 cm x 3.6 cm deep (approx. 6″x6″x1.5″, no need to frame and ready to hang) SOLD If you’ve been following my work for some time, you know I’m fond of grasses and bogland. In this...