You are Everything II, ©John O’Grady
16″ x 16″ X 1.75″ oil on deep edged canvas, ready to hang.
In the first You are Everything, I mentioned the grasses that stretch off into the distance of the solitary bog. Those thoughts were present again as I was making this piece.
This is a calm and quiet painting.
It has the feeling of someone being alone in this still place while at the same time being connected with the world around through sensory experience.
In my mind’s eye, I went for a walk through the bog.
When there, you can feel the soft ground underneath your feet and the grasses brushing lightly on your legs. You can smell the moistness of the bog and take in the cool greenish light in the silent evening.
Tapping into those senses and bringing them through into the painting can make the atmosphere in the piece palpable.
I suppose the painting bridges a reality felt and a dreamscape.
It has that quality, don’t you think?
It does have that quality — almost a heightened reality.
The first thing I thought was, The sky and earth are having a conversation. There’s a dialogue between them not only in the palette, but also in the forms and shapes. A peacefulness pervades the scene.
I want to visit all your landscapes, John!
Hello Jo,
What a lovely thing to say, It would be great to have a virtual visit inside of paintings wouldn’t it? Thank you.
I just love it well done.
What you are describing is just how I feel about painting I just try to recapture places I have loved or felt and you have done just this. I am still struggling with the execution! However I find when it works it’s so easy but when it involves a struggle the end result is not quite what I want. I have so much to learn and wish the years didn’t rush by so fast. My imagination is greater by far than my expertise in making the paint sing for me. Somehow the paint dictates and ideas flow from there but sometimes the harder I try the worse it gets which is so frustrating. The trying seems to tighten every thing up and stop the flow. Does any one else feel this? I am self taught and have probably broken every rule in the book but when it works the feeling is great ,a quiet feeling of yes that is what I meant. Best wishes for Christmas
Hello Jane,
Thank you. Great to hear that you are painting away. I know what you mean about the years rushing by and yes we all have so much to learn. Keep on plugging away Jane.
All the very best for the Christmas and new year Jane.
Dear John,
For the first time, I will try to send you my feelings about this new painting, BEFORE reading yours, if not I would not be able to do it.
It is an entire world, from ground to sky, a landscape you can encounter in many places but particularly in the multi-shaded Eire. And in the sky opens another dimension, it could be the future, I don’t know…. dreams and wishes I do believe.
From dark brown roots to palettes of zephir-blue wings, and in the middle our mountainous life and loving these three states.
Hello Dominique,
Thank you for your beautiful poetic reading of the painting. Yes indeed the sky could be the future of dreams and wishes,
I can feel myself in this place, under that exquisite sky with the soft brown earth under my feet. I can imagine the sounds of the wind gently whistling through the grasses and the peaty scent of the air. It gives me a tremendous sense of freedom and serenity; it is a lovely painting John.
Hello Christine,
Thank you very much for your thoughtful comment. I agree that feeling of freedom and serenity, is in the paintings open vista and muted colours
O yes, John!
Paintings – and yours at first – give or show a bridge between reality and dreams… I would even dream of a warm autumn day, sitting in that boggy grass, looking up to the sky, that is so beautifully real built, and watch the clouds drift, overview the surrounding area and take all the smells in… and get connected with all that exists… Your paintings are poems! Thank you for showing this 🙂
You see: I step back into winter and send my best wishes for the festivities that are coming! God bless you and your beloved ones!
My best regards! Frauke
Hello Frauke,
Thank you for your lovely and thoughtful comment. It does have that poetic feel to it as do your words Frauke. I do wish you and all your nearest and dearest all the very best for 2016. Thank you for being part of my artistic journey.