by John | 13 Dec 2013 | Landscape Paintings - Ireland
The Violet Sky, ©John O’Grady, 2013 Oil on Panel, 5″x 7″ SOLDThis painting shows the newly risen moon over the bog at twilight. The arrangement in violet, copper brown and silver started off with an underpainting of cool dark blue. Then, I painted over with a highly...
by John | 11 Dec 2012 | Landscape Paintings - Provence
John O’Grady, oil on Panel, 6″x 6″, 2012 Looking from my terrace, at the end of the day a shaft of winter light has been illuminating this tree for the last month. All the leaves have now gone, but the memory of its glow is still with...
by John | 30 Sep 2012 | Landscape Paintings - Ireland
View Across the Bay, ©John O’Grady, 2012 Oil on Panel, 5″ x 7″ This is a piece that evokes all the times I have waited for the train that hugs the Bay of Dublin to go into town. Looking across the bay from the harbour of Dun Laoghaire, the clouds...