Where the sea Meets the Sky-johnOGrady.www.johnogradypaintings.com

Where the Sea Meets the Sky, ©John O’Grady 2015
Oil on deep edged wooden box frame 8″ x 8″ x 1.50″
It does not require framing and is ready to hang.


“No painting stops with itself, is complete of itself. It is a continuation of previous paintings and is renewed in successive ones…” (Clyfford Still)

I was reminded of Still’s quote when I had finished this latest painting. It reminded me of its larger sibling created a number of years ago and the thread that runs through a lot of the work I make, the changing atmospheric conditions and how light is altered and filtered by them and diffused forms fade and reappear.

Below is the older painting.


Apparition II en Gris, John O’Grady
Acrylic on deep edged canvas, 32.5″x 32.5″ x 1.75″
It does not require framing and is ready to hang.

$2292 (Free worldwide shipping)

The piece above is a much quieter painting with a more minimalist approach where the 2D surface is flattened but folds in on itself on the barely visible horizon line. It retains those concerns of light and atmosphere which clearly links it to the more energetic seascape that also has an abstract quality.

What is interesting is finding the tipping point where the painting is still descriptive of time, place and atmosphere but also an arrangement of painterly marks that stand by themselves.

The two pieces have a narrow range of greys that lend itself to reflection despite the energy and movement of the sea.

I set out when making the smaller piece to create the most beautiful grey I could (some task!) by mixing a number of greys barely tilted towards warm and cool.

I would love to hear what you think of the two pieces.

Here is another view below of Apparition II en Gris.
