Atmospheric Seascape Painting With Veil of Rain | The Spirit of Water VIII by John O'Grady

The Spirit of Water VIII  ©John O’Grady (Click on the image for a better view)
31.5” x 31.5” x 1.75” acrylic on canvas, ready to hang

Not for Sale NFS

This piece fits within the ‘Spirit of Water’ series of paintings inspired by the experience of light shifting on the West coast of Ireland when Atlantic weather fronts move inland.

It’s a larger painting though, and movement and mark makings matter when I seek to express energy and of course contrasts of light and dark.

Standing at the edge of the ocean, the air is filled with moisture. A golden light on the horizon sweeps across the land while a slow veil of rain approaches. Already, headlands in the distance are starting to disappear.

I wanted to bring the senses into play through paint. To feel the moisture on our faces; smell and taste the salty air; hear the crashing water on the distant rocks and see the glowing light filtering through the veil of rain.

In Simon Scharma’s book ‘Landscape and Memory’ he says:

“Before it can ever be a repose for the senses, landscape is a work of the mind.
Its scenery is built as much from strata of memory as from layers of rock.”

I think this is particularly true of the Spirit of Water paintings. The re-connection is formed through the physical and emotional rush of standing before nature.

When all our senses are engaged in that experience, it stays with us, always. And a painting is a record of that memory.

Can you relate to this?

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