The Mimosa Tree, ©John O’Grady, 2013
Oil on Panel, 6″x 6″
Not for Sale
The warm yellow in the painting I finished last week, The Gorse Bush, reminded me of mimosa trees.
I lived for a short while on the Côte d’Azur and in February, you can see brilliant yellow forests of mimosas in full bloom.
They fill the landscape and when you come near them, you can enjoy their delicate perfume.
The one year, we had snow, a rare occurrence there.
The mimosas seemed to glow against the whiteness of the landscape.
I chose to paint one tree as I set out to balance hot and cold colours, the warmth of the yellow against the cool blue of the sky and the whiteness of the snow against the warm reddish browns of the grasses while trying to convey the feeling I got when seeing these striking contrasts.
Have you come across mimosas?
Please leave a comment, I would appreciate it.