by John | 10 Sep 2013 | Uncategorized
I have been posting paintings for over a year and of late, the web site that has sometimes felt like the Mary Celeste adrift on the virtual ocean has been increasingly viewed and more of you have subscribed. Thank you for your continued support. So I thought...
by John | 15 Feb 2013 | Landscape Paintings - Provence
Snow over Vaison, ©John O’Grady, 2013 Oil on Panel, 6″x 6″ SOLD We awoke earlier in the week to snow covering the town. The temperature didn’t rise above zero during the day. This is the view from my studio at twilight. The freezing air had...
by John | 22 Nov 2012 | Landscape Paintings - Provence
Vaison la Romaine by Night, © John O’Grady, 2012 Oil on Panel, 6″x 6″ This is looking across to the Medieval town of Vaison. The Chateau is illuminated by floodlights and on this occasion by a full moon.