Provence, snow, night

Snow over Vaison, ©John O’Grady, 2013
Oil on Panel, 6″x 6″


We awoke earlier in the week to snow covering the town.  The temperature didn’t rise above zero during the day.

This is the view from my studio at twilight. The freezing air had created a mist that diffused the town’s lights and gave them a halo while the buildings glowed warmly. This created a beautiful counterpoint to the blue-white abstract forms of the rooftops.

Along with this special still atmosphere, there was a lot of information to capture for this painting so I had to simplify.

I focused  on the top half being cool blue and the bottom half a warm rose colour to retain the glow in the night air. Fortunately the eye was naturally led into the picture by the direction of the rooftops and the lights heading into the distant blue mist.

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