I Dreamt of White Horses II, ©John O’Grady 2015
Oil on canvas 10″ x 10″ x 0.75″.
The south-westerly wind is blowing hard off the coast, moving clouds over water and land in quick succession and as they do, they change colour. Catching the light in the process, they move from dark to light, from opaque to transparent veils and from warm to cool and back again.
At sea, the high winds are lifting the waves in crests like white horses galloping across the water…
In this painting, I worked to capture that energy and the force of that onrush through the use of colour to suggest shape and movement in the clouds.
Can you feel it?
I’d love to hear what you think.
This is captivating. It is both well-grounded and a bit fantastic, with those glowing colors (masterfully done) in the sky. The diagonal movement of the wind suggested by the cloud forms and brush marks works beautifully against the churning sea — you can feel where wind and water meet.
Hello Josephine,
Thank you for your comment, I am glad it transmits the feel of the wind and water. I think you have it spot on with the ‘well grounded and a bit fantastic’ comment as I felt the same myself.
You got it John – the energy and force! I find it so interesting that the buffeting of the wind and movement of the waves can be created visually through the skilled use of brushstrokes and colour in this way. I like the texture on the hills and also the bright patch of green where the sun has fleetingly caught the land. I notice a small patch of pinky red which picks up the pink in the sky and this I have seen on seaweedy beaches in the past – beautiful.
Hello Christine,
I think we have all experienced days like this elemental and full of life force. I am glad it captured a little bit of that for you. Those little flecks of colour in the distance green and pink hopefully draw the eye through across the wild sea. Thank you for noticing that and your thoughts on the brushstrokes and marks-Work in Progress!