Always for the first

Always for the First Time, ©John O’Grady 2015
Oil on deep edged canvas 12″ x 12″ x 1.75″
It does not require framing and is ready to hang


Recently, I came across a poem by André Breton, the founder of Surrealism titled ‘Always for the First Time’. The title struck me instantly even though the poem itself did not resonate so much.

The title made me think about how each day is so often fleeting and seemingly follows the same routine and yet, it is so different. We get up, probably go about our lives in the usual way, even though, we are imperceptibly changed, each moment is nuanced and filtered through our sensibilities, our moods, what we have experienced and learnt.

Each day has its own subtle beginning. The light spreads across the land; the colours that bleed in the sky have their own beautiful arrangement laid out before us.

This is how this understated painting looking across the bog and the distant hills began its life as a new day…

I would love to hear what you think.