by John | 1 Oct 2012 | Still Life paintings
Ceramic and French Marigolds, ©John O’Grady, 2012 Oil on Panel,6″x 6″ SOLD
by John | 25 Jul 2012 | Still Life paintings
Ceramic and Melon, ©John O’Grady, 2012 Oil on Canvas Panel, 5″x7″, 2012
by John | 15 Jul 2012 | Still Life paintings
Bouquet de Lavande, ©John O’Grady Oil on panel, 6″x 6″, 2012 Friday evening, we drove along the Route des Lavandes in Drome Provençale. We stopped on a plateau where true lavender grows. This type of lavender makes the finest essential oil of...
by John | 11 Jul 2012 | Still Life paintings
John O’Grady, Oil on Panel, 5″x5″, 2012. Sold This handmade jug and Shallot are perfectly matched in this quiet arrangement of soft browns, creams and greys.
by John | 2 Jul 2012 | Still Life paintings
John O’Grady, ©oil on panel, 6″x6″, 2012 A blue bowl from a local potter with juicy apricots from the local market.