As Far as the Eye Can See VIII


As Far as the Eye Can See VIII © John O’Grady
150 cm x 100 cm X 3.5 cm (vertical format) acrylic on canvas

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This large Irish sky painting captures the beauty and drama of shifting weather fronts that transform the landscape moment after moments.

Rain and sun mix in a wonderful confluence of elements.


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This painting revisits a theme I’m fond of: vast, open Irish vistas in the West of Ireland.

I chose a portrait format (vertical format) to allow for a big sky.

We could be flying high over this dramatic scene and appreciate the broad, embracing view that takes in the land, the sea in the distance and the sky.

We witness the dynamic interplay between successive weather fronts.

Do you notice the contrasts between dark and light, the different shades of colour, the brush marks that suggest movement and life?

Life is in the sky:  rain showers move towards the centre to compete with the sun rays peeking through the clouds…

Perhaps a reminder to appreciate what we have because all is fleeting?