Bouquet de Lavande #16

Bouquet de Lavande, ©John O’Grady Oil on panel, 6″x 6″, 2012 Friday evening, we drove along the Route des Lavandes in Drome Provençale. We stopped on a plateau where true lavender grows. This type of lavender makes the finest essential oil of...

Bourbon Pâtisserie #14

Bourbon Patisserie, 2012 ©John O’Grady Oil on Panel, 6″x6″ Not For Sale I couldn’t resist. Of course, this pâtisserie was only bought for the purpose of a still life study.

Poires de la St Jean #9

Poires de la St Jean, 2012 ©John O’Grady, Oil on Panel, 6″x6″ When I saw these little jewels, 2″ high and bright green, I had to buy some. They are called St John’s Pears as they are ready to pick on St John the Baptist’s birthday...