Puck’s Castle #76

John O’Grady, Oil on Panel, 5″x 7″, 2012 Puck or Pooka in Irish is a terrifying spirit or malevolent fairy. You can guess from this that Puck Castle in Co Dublin is reputed to be haunted. King James stayed here after his defeat in the battle of the...

The Big Freeze, Ireland #68

John O’Grady, Oil on Panel, 6″ x 6″, 2012 Ireland in 2010 experienced a real White Christmas, a rare occurrence. The country ground to a halt, but if you managed to get out to walk in the countryside it really was a winter wonderland. These trees in...

A Murmur in the Trees II #65

A Murmur in the Trees II, ©John O’Grady, 2012 Oil on Panel, 6″x 6″ Not for Sale A second painting in a short series exploring the way trees filter light that creates forever changing patterns and colours on the path of an Irish country...