The Journey, ©John O’Grady
8″ x 8″ X 0.75″ oil on canvas, ready to hang.


I watched the last light of day from my studio, the pale orange glow cast the distant hills in a blue/violet shadow.

The stage was set.

To the top left, out of the picture frame, the risen full moon’s silver light glowed. As if on cue, a family of five small clouds moved across the sky from right to left.

These five roundish forms gradually shifted shape and glowed pearl-like against the dark blue sky. They seemed to stay at the same distance from each other, as if it had been choreographed that way.

I was first drawn to making this piece by the light within the clouds and their nebulous quality.

But on reflection, it was also that fleeting moment seeing them trundling over the ruined castle and old town of Vaison when two of the family had already started to loose shape.

A wistful feeling came over me.

It got me to dream of possibilities and their flight, a family of clouds moving south to the Mediterranean and across the sea to distant lands, always journeying on and on, always together.

No lines on a map or fences to stop them getting to where they were safe, for the sky has no borders and the blue of the night is infinite.